

As the original inventor of Multi-Jackbolt Tensioning (MJT) technology, Superbolt allows you to replace or retrofit existing bolts to safely achieve accurate preload. 

Superbolt Multi-Jackbolt Tensioners

Superbolt Multi-Jackbolt Tensioners 

Replace or retrofit existing bolts to safely achieve accurate preload 

Superbolt Flexnuts

Superbolt Flexnuts 

Relieve stress and increase fatigue life of the bolt or stud 

Superbolt Tool

Superbolt Tool 

Apply torque fast and accurately to multiple jackbolts 

Superbolt EzFit

Superbolt EzFit 

For rotating couplings that require bolts to transfer forces to shear 

Superbolt HyFit

Superbolt HyFit 

Hydraulically actuated, truly fitted, expanding coupling bolt 

Superbolt Load-Sensing Flexnut

Superbolt Load-Sensing Flexnut 

Use built-in sensors to automatically measure and communicate preload values for remote monitoring 

Superbolt Load-Sensing Tensioner

Superbolt Load-Sensing Tensioner 

Tensioner with built-in preload monitoring system 

Superbolt NXT Multi-Jackbolt Tensioners

Superbolt NXT Multi-Jackbolt Tensioners 

Expect 30% faster installments with the world's easiest-to-use multi-jackbolt tensioner